Paul Kimbrel

Paul D Kimbrel

Web Developer, Technical Architect, Sound Engineer

This City Shall Surely Live!

I’m one song away from getting Erisa’s album mixed down. I think after this - I’m going to be putting the studio on hold for a while… at least until I can get some more time. These 90+ hour weeks are gonna kill me. Day job, studio, web development, church, oh, and life in general… you know… friends and family. Too many things and too little time.

And just in time for all of that, my body’s starting to talk to me: “Slow down before I make you!” Great…

But this album has been fun to work on. A little frustrating at points, but overall it’s been fun. I’m still learning a good deal both in the engineering aspect of the music and the people aspect of the music. I’ve learned that I don’t always convey my ideas clearly which can create a good deal of concern when messing with another’s music. Hopefully she’ll be pleased. The last two songs I worked on were audio-effects field days for me, so I’m praying I didn’t overdo it. If nothing else, I can make a copy of this version for myself :)

Funny that I said I would put the studio on hold… I think that can be roughly translated as “I won’t be scheduling anything more after this. I’ve still got tapes to convert, my own album to finish (well, finish writing - then recording), Paul Townsend’s album to mix, as well the re-tracking of Chad’s “Verisimilitude".

Now that has me excited - redoing Chad’s CD. I don’t know how many times I’ve said, “Man, if I knew then what I know now…” I really hope that I can do the album a bit more justice this go-round. The re-tracking started last Christmas when Chad & Sally came to visit. For fun, Chad, Steve and I went to the studio and programmed the drum and bass tracks for “Why,” the last song on the album (a favorite of ours). We had time, so Chad recorded the electric guitar parts and gave the song over to Steve and I to finish. We did the vocals a few weeks later and I tweaked & humanized the programming. The resulting track sounded really good. So that got Chad and I thinking (during his next visit) - why not redo the whole thing. With the Internet, we’re going to transfer tracks back and forth and record over distance. We may even get some of the old vocal crew back in to do some of the same parts (well, that would be Linda - Bobes is in Korea, and I doubt we’ll even find James). This is going to be fun!

We got the programming done for “Sightless Dialogue” and “Self-Serving". I think “Self-Serving” has me the most excited - the original versions, well, stunk. I’m hoping we can get it right this time.