When You Just Can't Wait...
Well, I got on the air this last weekend, thanks to my dad and my friend Korey. I made my first QSO with NK7U in Baker City, OR. He (and the contacts to follow) were doing a contest, so I pretty much settled for contest contacts. Not a bad way to get contacts in the log book, but I was itching for an actual conversation. Well, tonight I got one… but not over voice.
I had also been itching to get on the digital radio modes. However, my radio is an old tube type analog unit. Now, I’m sure I could hook my laptop directly to it with no problems, but that whole “RF” thing kinda scares me (I like my laptop, I’d like to keep it). Now, Tube or Solid State alike, most guys recommend separating that computer from the radio with some sort of isolation. A transformer, a photo-coupler - anything.
Costs money - takes time (gotta order it online - Radio Shack sells cell phones). Not for me! I needed instant gratification! (not a trait I plan on passing on to my kids).
Well, I figured out how to get digital radio to work using a slightly different form of isolation - AIR!
It turns out that my studio headphones fit perfectly over my radio’s microphone!
I simply play the digital audio off the computer through the headphones and into the mic! Of course keying the transmitter is a touchy issue. These fancy schmancy new solid state rigs have auto- “push to talk” where the computer keys the transmitter. Not for me! The good ‘ole index finger does the trick. And the mic button can stay pushed to free up my hands for typing!