Paul Kimbrel

Paul D Kimbrel

Web Developer, Technical Architect, Sound Engineer

The $40 USB Cable

So, I need a 10′ USB cable to get from my computer to my printer with out tripping over things. Tonya was on her way to the store, so I asked her to stop by and pick up a cable at Best Buy. 10′ cable. $28 What’s with that store, anyhow?? When she…


New Dinning Room Floors

It took a whole day, and a bunch of muscles I haven’t used in ages. However, with my father-in-law’s help (Jim), we were able to get our dinning room floor installed - from nasty carpet to laminate (with quarter-round - even painted quarter-round) in…


Why I Hate CSS

Okay, so the title is a bit extreme… but I’m really getting fed up with a few things in CSS. Why is it that it takes me an hour to get things aligned? Why is it that I have to bend over backwards to get the same page to look the same way in more than…


IronEvents Finally Under Construction

Construction has begun on IronEvents! Yea! It’s been quite a process getting to this point, but all the groundwork is done and ready for the final product. Chris is done a fantastic job on the survey site that’s up there now. For the super curious we…

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