Paul Kimbrel

Paul D Kimbrel

Web Developer, Technical Architect, Sound Engineer

How Marvelous

Today I held my son on my shoulder. His little head was so small, it just barely fit in the crook of my neck. He’s so tiny - much tinier than we expected. He is so precious. I’ve heard others say how amazing it is how our love grows with each child…


Collapsable Folder Lists

I hate javascript - I really do. It’s a messy, convoluted, and cryptic scripting language whose sole purpose in life (in my humble opinion) is to make my code as messy, convoluted, and, well, cryptic as possible! Doggone it, though, if it isn’t just…


Somewhere Up in the Sky

It’s the lie that hovers over you like a vulture waiting to swoop down and devour what’s left of you when the stress of hiding it has taken its toll. It’s the nagging feeling that at anytime the sky itself will fall down as you’ve claimed it would…


The Miracle of Life

I’m amazed and left in total awe every time I feel little Eli kicking. It’s the same amazement I had when I felt Clayton really kick for the first time. You know - not the little bump you feel at first, but the first time you realize you just felt…


This City Shall Surely Live!

I’m one song away from getting Erisa’s album mixed down. I think after this - I’m going to be putting the studio on hold for a while… at least until I can get some more time. These 90+ hour weeks are gonna kill me. Day job, studio, web development…

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